Happy New Year (from the Editor)!

Posted on January 3, 2007 Under Travel

Beloved JoshSpear.com readers… you may or may not have noticed that I ‘went dark like Jack Bauer‘ on the blogging front for the last week or so, but I am back and excited to kick off what promises to be an amazing 2007 for JoshSpear.com. I had a great holiday, splitting my time between Sun Valley and Crested Butte, enjoying some great snow in the former and enjoying the company of great friends and family in both. I’m a little perplexed with the Colorado weather patterns this winter (lots of snow in the flatlands, but little in the mountains), but maybe Al Gore can help me understand it. You’ve read our resolutions for 2007, and you can hopefully pick up on Josh’s excitement in his new year’s post. I want to echo Josh’s sentiment, and wish you all an exemplary 2007. We really are dedicated to raising the bar for JoshSpear.com in the coming year, and are honored to have you all as readers. Read after the jump for another excitement-inspiring tidbit…

Season 6 premiere in 11 days!