Guarana Antarctica Street Festival

Posted on August 27, 2008 Under Life

I’m a tripper. Invisible cracks in the sidewalk, errant candy wrappers, delicate leaves, you name it — I only recently stopped blaming the horrible conditions of the sidewalks in Sao Paulo for my clumsiness that oftentimes results in my arms flailing and legs akimbo; butt sometimes making contact with the cement. But when walking through one of the metro stations yesterday it wasn’t only me who almost lost their breath. I stepped right into a skate bowl but remained on terra firma. As part of the publicity campaign for the upcoming Guarana Antarctica Street Festival in Sao Paulo that counts in skaters like Bob Burnquist and Sandro Dias and bands like Bad Religion. Brazilian firm DM9DDB designed a giant adhesive that created the perfect illusion of a skate bowl in the middle of a busy thoroughfare. It was a convincing visual trick, even if you didn’t know what you were stepping into until after. Not a bad way of promoting another method of transport.

Photo: Marketando