
Posted on June 28, 2007 Under Music

For years, you’ve supported your favorite indie bands; you've helped them grow in popularity by spreading rave reviews to friends, acquaintances and anyone in ear shot who will listen to you obsess over their must-listen-now status. You've also supported them financially, bolstering their bottom line by buying their albums and attending concerts. And because you have sweet, unselfish hearts you have done all this for free. But you're Americans, so get with the program and get something out of it. Tagged as "Capitalism Done Right," GoodStorm's Mixtape connects bands and fans together and spreads the wealth. Users are able to create a play list of up to 100 songs from over 2.7 million tracks and then place it as a widget on a personal web site, blog, MySpace or Facebook page where visitors can purchase a track for a shade under a buck. Artists, who need to have signed up and uploaded their work for it to be used — so get uploading, kids — receive 65 cents. GoodStorm takes 29 cents, giving a portion of the profits to various charities and social initiatives like the Save Darfur campaign, proving philanthropically that capitalism, when done right, can be used for the greater good. You get to pocket the remaining 5 cents, which may sound like a meager commission but can add up quickly if your playlist rocks. Just think: If you had a nickel for every time"¦

–Mara Siegler