Getting Comfortable With Emma Jay

Posted on March 27, 2008 Under Design

If you had to make a list of the five greatest inventions ever, you can rest assured that somewhere in the top five, cushions would make a surprise appearance. They may not be as important to civilization as the wheel or the shoehorn, but they’re up there. Luckily, for other folks who realize the importance of cushions, there’s Emma Jay Designs. Founded by ex-performer Emma Goody out of frustration with the lifestyle of an entertainer and “a lust for texture, a respect for simplicity and an affinity for interiors,” the Melbourne, Australia-based home furnishings brand has an astonishingly wide variety of designs on all things comforting. At their website you can view and order from a seemingly endless array of prints and textures for products such as floor cushions, scatter cushions, bean bags, and wall panels that would be at home in any abode. If we’re comforted just looking at all of these soft items, imagine how comfortable you’ll be owning them.