Film The Blanks

Posted on April 29, 2009 Under Art

3364698584_f935c5d331.jpgThroughout the history of film there have been some pretty niftily designed posters, many of which have become iconic images. Sure you could spot the artwork for A Clockwork Orange even without the title (right?), but what if most of the image was stripped away and you were left to contend with only colors, patterns and shapes? Could you do it then? That’s what the site Film the Blanks asks of it’s readers. Monday to Friday, classic cinema images are added sans some very important details. Tidbits are gradually tacked on, challenging readers to summon their powers of cultural recall to figure out just what lies before them. The first ten to correctly guess the abstracted advertisement earn a point in the standings. The more you guess correctly, the more you increase the likelihood of your coming away with the prize of a special one-off poster. Even if you don’t win, you have to admit, most of this movie art looks pretty sweet stripped down. The site also offers some of those astonishing reduced images for sale in their very own online store.