FAC51-Y3: The Hacienda

Posted on June 18, 2007 Under Design

Behold the latest shoe from one of my favorite brands Y-3 in collaboration with Legendary Manchester UK nightclub, The Hacienda. The shoe’s awesome (read: dead sexy) design was a collaboration between Peter Saville (original Factory Records designer), Ben Kelly (architect who did The Hacienda’s interior) and Joy Division/New Order Bass player, Peter Cook (not sure why he had this honor). Regardless, never before have I seen so many cooks in the kitchen deliver such a fantastic sneaker-specimen.

The sneakers come in a custom six-sided, maple-bottomed box (naturally it’s the same shape as the dance-floor as at The Hacienda). Then, the shoes inside are wrapped in four sheets of tissue paper, two feature Kevin Cummin’s photography in the 80’s, one will show designer Ben Kelly’s original sketches for the clubs interior, and the final will show the current state of the club space. I kid you not– this is packaging detail at its best, absolutely gorgeous! Along with the incredible package and shoes, lucky buyers will also get a DVD documenting the whole club history and experience.

The shoe is a short run at 250 pairs and will sell exclusively in the Y-3 Manchester store for two weeks before it goes into Selfridges in London and Y-3’s flagship in Tokyo. The FAC51-Y3 will be 345 GBP, or just under $700 US. My birthday just passed, is it too late to ask for these? I think I’m in love. Check out another shot of them after the jump.

Via Creative Review