Eepmon + Fleming Creative Group

Posted on September 10, 2007 Under Design

Fleming Creative Group, a firm in Vancouver, Canada, recently called on Eric Chan, a.k.a. Eepmon (see also: one of our favorite techie-slash-artists) to create an installation piece for their reception area. Chan was given the company’s motto, “The Story Through Design,” for inspiration, and worked all through the month of August on the over fifteen-foot long/seven-foot high design. Chan approached the work with the same intensity that we’ve grown to expect from him (if you haven’t checked his site before, GO. It’s nearly perfect.), and the completed piece is nothing short of incredible, with saturated colors and lifelike graphics working together to form a powerful first impression for Fleming’s entryway. Given the rapidly evolving area (aesthetically) that is design, commissioning such a piece was a brave thing for a creative firm to do, so points go out to both Fleming’s for going for it, and Eric for pulling it off.