Community Next: February 10th, Stanford University

Posted on January 17, 2007 Under Life

A quick heads up to California readers (okay, maybe just Bay Area readers), I’ll be speaking at the Community Next conference coming up in a few weeks. Aaron and I are actually kicking the day off (gasp) with our signature Brand Utopia schpeel. The whole concept of the day is around the Present and Future of Online Communities, we think it’s going to be great fun and very useful for others. I was humbled to be invited to speak alongside the other speakers like Jeffrey Kalmikoff of Threadless, James Hong of HotorNot, Guy Kawasaki, Amit Gupta and many, many others. If you’re in the area and want to come, use the code SPEAR to get $45 off the early bird price (there are only 4 early bird tickets remaining, go get em!).