Cockpit Coat Drive

Posted on December 7, 2007 Under Fashion

Being a clotheshorse can be quite the stressful undertaking; first, one must try their darnedest to stay attuned to the latest fashion fads and trends. After that, there's quandary of finding closet space for all of that cutting edge clothing. Instead of commissioning a carpenter to build an extension on your already overstuffed walk-in, perhaps it'll do your heart and your closet some good to give away some of those seldom worn garments that just seem to be occupying space. May we suggest a contribution to the Cockpit Coat Drive?

From now until January 31st, Manhattan's Cockpit General Store, located on Broadway between Bond and Bleecker streets is accepting donations of new or gently used sheepskin or leather coats, which they will distribute to Homeless Shelters in order to provide warmth to those who need it. Trust us, they need it more than that hanger in your closet does.