Christian Lessing

Posted on January 25, 2008 Under Design

A friend of mine just bought a condo here in Brooklyn. It’s quaint, charming, and cost about the same amount of money that a six bedroom house on an acreage in Utah probably does. Expenses aside, it has — and I’m speaking in common opinion terms here — the stupidest balcony any one of us have ever seen, owner included. It’s maybe a foot and a half deep, three feet wide, and looks headlong into the brick facade of the building opposite. After thinking a while on it, the quick fix for this space was a curtain, but you can be sure I’m sending along the link for Christian Lessing‘s balkony (flash page, no permalink) as a happy alternative. The series of bars and hook-in add-ons make use of an otherwise useless space. The rest of his portfolio is well worth a click, too.