Calvin Klein x Droga 5 x The New Museum

Posted on November 27, 2007 Under Art

For as long as we can remember, Calvin Klein has been at the forefront of American sportswear; combining elements of style and sex appeal, they've always been masters of the provocative ad. This time, the stalwarts of style have gone one step further with their latest advertisement, by taking chic and marrying it with street. Over the past 2 days the rather large Calvin Klein sign on the bustling New York City street corner of Lafayette and Houston has been gradually "splashed" with pink paint as part of a three stage reveal that is the result of a collaboration between the Clothing Kingpins, the soon to open New Museum, and Droga 5. The project's chief aim is to create a truly mesmerizing mash up of graffiti, fashion, and art. We think they've succeeded. But don't take our word for it; get yourself down to the corner of Broadway and Lafayette for the stage 3 reveal, tomorrow. Maybe we'll see you on the F train.