Calling all Masters of Marioland

Posted on January 15, 2008 Under Fashion

We know you're an NES superstar. You can recite the Contra cheat codes without flinching, you've conquered King Koopa thousands of times; heck you've even punched out Mike Tyson in under a minute, making him look positively Spinks-esque. You may not be a world-class athlete, but you let your thumbs do the talking and we think it's about time you receive the recognition you deserve. Take heed, Masters of Metroid and Lords of the Legend of Zelda, your endless hours mastering your craft will not go unrecognized. Thanks to the Console Wars I pin from Supermandolini, we dub thee Commander of the Controller. While you may not deserve a gold medal for your power pad prowess, that doesn't mean you can't wear your gaming success on your lapel"¦ or your sleeve"¦or wherever you choose to put this Nintendo controller pin commemorating all of your epic battles in Marioland.