255 Elizabeth: Nike iD Design Studio

Posted on September 12, 2005 Under Design

Last week only a few hours before my flight to Paris, I had the chance to finally use my invitation to the Nike iD Design Studio, at 255 Elizabeth, which I had heard so much about. The studio was really a treat. Upon entering I was offered a drink and looking back on the experience, it was sort of like going to a very nice lounge before going out to dinner, and dinner lay just behind a small wall– a studio packed with swatches, inspirations, and delicious shoes. My “designer”, who assisted me throughout the process, was cool and confident and when I walked in and started looking at shoes he glanced at my feet and calmly said “You look like a Tennis Pro, or Waffle Racer kind of guy– and he was right. The interior of the studio was really quite amazing, and pictures don’t do it any justice. The store is branded so well, all the way down to the coasters. The wallpaper, the mirror, everything had a special Nike iD customized touch to it. I ended up making a pair of Waffle Racers, with some great design help from my kid brother. The shoes should be here any day now and there will be pictures to follow.