2007 DNA Evolution Tour: Summer Shredding

Posted on February 28, 2007 Under Travel

I know it’s only February (almost March), but I wanted to pass this piece of news while the snow is still falling… before you’ve gone into beach mode. Throughout this coming summer, the 2007 DNA Evolution Tour will be coming to a ton of locations throughout Utah, Colorado, Idaho, and Montana, giving urban jibber types (both skiers and snowboarders) the chance to strut their stuff in a warm summer setting. Now I know a lot of you out there are thinking: “why in the hell would anyone want to ski or snowboard in the summer, especially in an urban setting?” I don’t have a good answer to that question, but I can tell you that a lot of kids out there are really into this stuff. They’re pushing the bar higher and higher, taking their skills to insane features like the Big Rig (pictured above, right), the honorary DNA Evolution Tour feature. The first event will be on May 26th in Ogden, UT, and the final event will be right on our front step at the Jibij Pro Shop in Boulder on September 1st. This tour should be fun for both spectators and competitors.