Groom Yo Self, Fool!
Details for Men, is the best place we’ve seen to order high-quality men’s personal care products online–they recently set us up with a bunch of products to sample, and the following three really got my attention. (Yes, they advertise– No, they do not pay for editorial, we write about what we like here at and do not accept compensation for editorial). My best experience had to have come from the Marvis toothpaste line ($9). Made in Italy, and packaged in the coolest tubes ever, Marvis blows conventional American toothpastes out of the water. My favorite flavor was the ‘aquatic mint,’–it truly reminded me of the ocean; their ‘strong mint’ flavor was a close second–it packed a wallop like a mouthful of Altoids. I was also impressed by Nickel’s ‘cold sweat’ deodorant ($15)–it has a high-end cologne scent to it, but doesn’t have all of those heinous anti-sweat chemicals in it. Finally, I found the ‘brave shave’ shaving cream by Brave Soldier ($15) to be a formidable opponent of my week-and-a-half beard when paired with my Mach 3 Turbo. I had to lather it on pretty thick, but the finish was super smooth. Details has a bunch of other good stuff too, but these are the products I really liked.