Your Search For: talk shop friday, returned: 37 Items

SpearTalks: Threadless

Posted on September 28, 2007 Under Fashion

I'm going to take a little risk. It's a tame one; there's no jagged cliff or potential pregnancy involved, but it does involve a bit of assumption on my behalf. The thing is; I think you know about Threadless. I…

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SpearTalks: Steve @ Krudmart

Posted on September 14, 2007 Under Fashion

Yesterday evening, in the middle of too much green tea at a local sushi spot, a friend asked me what today's interview was going to be about. I kind of mumbled the answer; "Krudmart, with this guy Steve," expecting the…

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The Little Friends of Printmaking

Posted on November 7, 2007 Under Design

Little Friends of Printmaking, the husband-and-wife silkscreening team based in Milwaukee, have been making poster art since 2003. Their name should ring bells for you, as their work is well known, well loved, and has been published in several recent,…

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The Open Logo Project

Posted on August 31, 2007 Under Design

First of all: we are not trying to keep you indoors over the weekend. However, what we are talking about is a design contest Spreadshirt is running in hopes of finding a new company logo, and since I know logo…

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mimobot Winners!

Posted on August 7, 2007 Under Gadgetry

Thanks to everyone for their input regarding how to best use the floor and wall space in my very empty, very awesome new apartment and as promised, we're giving away -- arbitrarily! okay, only sort of -- the three Ptry…

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Aqus for the Rest of Us

Posted on July 19, 2007 Under Design

Confronted with evidence of global warming, undeniable environmental degradation, and calls to action, I think many of us are left are left wondering what we can do today to help reduce waste and negative impact in the environment. Particularly inside…

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T-Shirt = Text Shirt

Posted on June 4, 2007 Under Fashion

When you're in the business of making something as simple and vanilla as a t-shirt, you have to think of ways to set yourself apart from every other wannabe entrepreneur with a screen printing kit in their parent's garage. We've…

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