Zach Cordner Site Revamp

Posted on March 16, 2007 Under Art

Photographers in Zach Cordner’s line of work sometimes fly under the radar because their work, as prolific as it may be, is frequently published in magazines, where readers aren’t keyed into who’s responsible for the shot until they search for that itsy bitsy byline tucked in the corner. When a photog as talented as Zach puts their work in one place for easy viewing, it gives us a better feel for their point-and-click prowess. We were lucky enough to pick Zach out of the pack relatively early, and are proud to have him on the Spear Collective roster. He just revamped his website so that now when you go there the first thing you see are his newest endeavors on his news page. From there you can his books, projects, tearsheets and info page (look at the clients he’s worked with!). Coincidentally, Mr. Cordner’s calendar image for April, the infamous “monkey boy” is next up on the Spear Collective Calendar line-up. You have to go check it out– this photo’s so good, that Josh and I had it as our desktop backgrounds for at least 2 months when he first submitted it. Keep it up Zach; you make us proud.