Wow. Kurt Cobain is Really Rich

Posted on November 6, 2006 Under Music

 Blog Files Old Kurt-CobainThis morning I was reading the most recent issue of RollingStone Magazine and ran across quite the interesting statistic. Kurt Cobain has just surpassed Elvis Presley on Forbes Magazine’s ‘top-earning dead celebrities’ list. So although Cobain has been dead for 12 years, he made about $50 million in the past year. That is a pretty staggering statistic if you ask me. Supposedly he made so much in the past year because Courtney Love sold a 25% stake in Nirvana’s song catalog, and she has also been licensing Nirvana songs with the other (still living) band-mates. Look out for Nirvana tracks on shows like ‘CSI: Miami’ in the near future. Who knew Cobain had such a great estate planning strategy?