Working Class Heroes

Posted on November 20, 2007 Under Design

We get up at all times of the day. We work into all times of the night. We don’t wear blue collars, but like the carpenter’s belt or the laborer’s lunch box, we bear the mark of our social class status in the tools we carry to and fro the office, coffee shop or airport. These tools are sheathed in various cases and holders — in the doorway, smiling prettily and waiting to hand us our necessities as we leave to do our important jobs are Working Class Heroes. Stylishly designed felt and leather holders for our paraphernalia: like that Moleskine pouch, to protect our philosophical ruminations; like the leather passport holder, to keep fresh the inspiration the world gives us; like the Laptop Wallet Butterfingers (pictured), which doesn’t fail us when we get a little clumsy. When we come home at the end of the day, we can feel like we did something, even if it wasn’t catching a hot blonde falling out of a burning building in mid-air. That something’s called "” you got it "” satisfaction. You can order Working Class Heroes’ stuff here.