Wilson Brothers x Nike: AF1 Silver Service

Posted on January 30, 2008 Under Design

Plenty has changed over the last 25 years. Why, in 1983, people drove “ground cars” and spoke to each other over the “telephone”. How quaint. While those trends of the past may have faded into oblivion one thing has remained constant, The Nike Air Force 1. In honor of the sneakers’ silver anniversary, people all over the world are celebrating. Some are holding parades while others are naming their children Nike; some people, like the Wilson Brothers design team, have come up with a more creative way to channel their love for the shoe. How so? They've created a traditionally, lugged, steel"“framed fixie inspired by the sneaker mainstay as a way of showing reverence the past while keeping up with current street trends"¦sort of like the AF1 has continued to do. Their blazing bike creation aptly named the Air Force 1 “Silver Service” has been added to the curation at Dover Street Market which celebrates 25 years of the iconic Air Force 1. So if you find yourself in London, definitely go check it out.

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