Who Wants What: Grace Bonney

Posted on December 10, 2007 Under Design

Design*Sponge is almost consistently the first site I go to in my newsreader; Grace is such a fantastic resource, gracious writer and all-around sweetheart…that’s why we hope she gets everything on her wishlist this season:

Painting by Clare Grill: I’m way too broke to even think about investing in art right now, but if I had a grand to spare (or if someone who loves me did) I would totally ask for/buy one of Clare’s incredible geological paintings. I love the way she plays with colors like hot pink against neutrals — any one of her pieces would look fantastic above my couch. One day…

Kitchen Aid Mixer in Pistachio: Because when I’m not running D*S, I’m fantasizing about tracking down Ina Garten (The Barefoot Contessa) and becoming her protege. I’m sure that will never happen, but a girl can dream.

An Ernst Benz Watch: Ok, this isn’t for me, but my significant other. He’s wants one of these so, so badly and I wish I had the extra 3k to get him one. So if we’re talking dream gifts, I’d love to be handed one of these so I can pass it on to him. I’m not sure if they’re worth the 3k but they do have a pretty nifty transparent back so you can watch all the inner workings in action!