Where Design Comes From

Posted on June 2, 2008 Under Design

For every inventive T-shirt design that crosses our path, there are probably a dozen sarcastic or negative ones. Don’t get us wrong, we enjoy a clever turn of phrase or dose of irony every once in awhile, but creativity shouldn’t be solely the refuge for the disheartened. There’s plenty out there to be inspired by. The folks at WDCF (Where Design Comes From) couldn’t agree more. Their line of custom, limited-edition shirts were created with a passion for design for those passionate about design. Each of the four tees in their “custom custom” collection features a powerful positive message aimed at the creative crowd. Aside from awakening the artistic fervor within, WDCF’s apparel is also quite functional, as the entire set of shirts were built to be reversible — provoking an emotional response, inside and out.