What's With That Site?

Posted on March 21, 2008 Under Life

All of us have had the crushing moment when after typing in a web address we visit with frequency, we are told that site is unavailable. Our first instinct is to freak out. Our second is to check our connection or think something's wrong with our computer. The next instinct is to say, ‘hey, maybe it's not just me, maybe it's down for everyone.’ Well, instead of freaking out and checking your connection, we recommend skipping straight to step three and heading to downforeveryoneorjustme.com. We know it's a mouthful, but the simple site allows you to skip those first stressful steps and type in the site that's been giving you trouble to find out if there's anything worth freaking out over. However, if you can't find our site we recommend freaking out first.

Via CrackUnit