Victoria's Not Cool Enough to Know This Secret

Posted on February 8, 2007 Under Life

I have to admit, I got a little uncomfortable when I first checked out The String Republic’s “fashion underwear ” website. There were monsters, and neon smoke curls, and people were (mostly) naked, and I was a little nervous about someone looking over my shoulder and assuming I was into BAD THINGS. But then, I clicked on this little “design your own” button, and my apprehension gave way to… um… the emotion where your brain keeps screaming “Super-cala-freakin’-tastic-expiala-glorious!!,” whatever that is. Turns out, you can doodle whatever you want, send it in, and in two or three weeks have a pair of undies that no one else in the world will ever get their hands on. I’m a little bummed that they only offer two styles (boy shorts for girls; boxer briefs for guys), but I might forget about that once I have a hand drawn terydactyl flying across my booty.