Updates from SNAP

Posted on September 25, 2008 Under Design

As an attendee and devotee of TED I was admittedly a little skeptical and thought SNAP was going to simply be a miniaturized version. Guess what … it is! But that’s not all bad actually. In fact, it’s a compliment. Mix, in a veritable who’s who of the “Organic Mafia”, a dash of some brilliant creative folks, a collection of academic thought leaders, a pinch of mainstream brand voyeurs who are diving deeper into Green-land, a teaspoon of “new economy investment bankers,” and finally some marketing agency peeps like myself and you have the makings of an interesting collection of people. I found myself inspired by Daniel Pink (always fun), Paul Stamet’s hypothesis that mushrooms could help save the world resulting in the biggest standing ovation of the day, Daniel Pinchbeck’s psychedelic discoveries and enlightened ‘neosphere’ thinking, Vanessa German’s poetic brilliance and more. So far Steve Demos’s vision of putting together a cultural elite gathering is paying off and inspiring some great conversations which went well past closing time last night at the St. Julien Hotel’s buffet. Hopefully today will deliver more of the same.