Update from SNAP: Day 2

Posted on September 26, 2008 Under Life

Boulder, CO, Day 2 SNAP Gathering: ‘Little things people can do to change the world’ was best exemplified by Paul Williams’ remarkable healthcare program in Uganda where he single-handedly eliminated childhood malaria deaths and dramatically reduced HIV infections in a small village… a bit more uplifting after yesterday’s chilling confessions by economic hit man, John Perkins. Speaking of confessions, I was perplexed and angered by activist and writer Meredith Maran‘s public admission that she had falsely accused her father of molesting her as a child yet she discredited herself further by failing to articulate what her moment of enlightenment was that undid the 10 years of damage she had caused within her family. Many concurred.

Later, speeches by a not-too-bland Jeffrey Bland and others on nutrition, were a blend of fascinating and old news. The afternoon felt a bit like a corporate motivation meeting with Tori Murden, best known for rowing solo across the Atlantic and the mesmerizing John Bul Dau, one of the Sudanese ‘Lost Boys’, both rallying around the theme of not giving up in life. Other speakers varied in their abilities and topics, but a definite standout was Michael Franti of Spearhead who drew a few tears during his recount of his recent peace-seeking Baghdad and Israeli journeys. Later that night he wowed the crowd with a rocking Spearhead show, opened by notable up and coming musical artist Shawn Hlookoff. All-in-all, SNAP’s first foray to Boulder was a success. With a few tweaks and refinements it could be world-class. But I would certainly recommend it for those seeking either a liberal dose of brain exercise or ample networking opportunities in the natural, organic and alternative energy spaces. See you there in ’09.