Unruly Heir

Posted on April 24, 2007 Under Fashion

It’s nice to know I’m not the only one around here who occasionally finds herself in want of a temporary boyfriend with an upcoming birthday, just so she can buy him awesome clothes and accessories. That feeling washed over me a few minutes ago when today’s edition of UrbanDaddy turned up in my inbox. I’ll admit, I clicked through with the intent of unabashed mockery that only the words “seersucker hoodie” could inspire. Upon further inspection, however, I realized these threads are HOT. The boys at Unruly Heir took it upon themselves to combine Hamptons-casual with city sensibility, launching their line of quirky bowties and tailored button-downs, pants and shorts just in time for you to carry out your summertime trouble-making in style. Now, all I need to do is find a cute boy who doesn’t mind letting me dress him up…