UNKL: New Site!

Posted on September 17, 2007 Under Design

The new site of designer toy brand UNKL is up and running, and the new pages are rapturously stocked with all the characters we’ve come to obsess over plus a “whole crapload” of newbies. Blank UniPos, the new SUG and Ulligus figures, and the HazMaPo carbon Series are among the spankin’ fresh offerings, as is the awesome Wilco by UNKL six-pack. The re-boot also introduces their very own blog covering all the UNKL news you’d ever want to hear, including the latest on their upcoming CBS Saturday Morning Cartoon debut featuring a few knome-ish TinPos (which I didn’t know about but am now stoked about- now there’s a good show for a hangover). Congrats on the new site, guys, it looks great!