Posted on July 21, 2006 Under Art

We here at are all about environmental responsibility, and when it comes to protecting our planet via recycling, there is no such thing as too much awareness. TRASHed – The Art of Recycling, is one of the most innovative and undeniably cool campaigns that we’ve ever come across. The program is designed to redefine the way people and businesses view trash collection and recycling through a medium that we can all understand – art. For example, at this year’s Coachella music festival, TRASHed had 35 stations placed in various locations across the festival grounds that each had a separate trash and recycle bin. The recycling bins were designed by West Coast artists whose styles range from graffiti to pop art, while the trash bins were left blank, thereby creating a visual impact for anyone throwing something away. Recycle bin artists included Downtimer, Erik Siador, and Jeremiah Garcia. Visit for more info on how to get TRASHed in your neighborhood.