Toughbook? I Guess SO!

Posted on February 15, 2007 Under Gadgetry

As much as I love my Apple Blackbook, I don’t think it could provide me with the service that this Panasonic CF-M34 laptop provided to an American soldier in the 82nd Airborne Division on duty in Iraq. Word is, the soldier started carrying his laptop with him to help him fulfill his duties– something tells me it came in most handy for a task that he never foresaw. No word about where the shot came from, or how high a caliber shell, but the Panasonic Toughbook stopped it right in its tracks and saved the soldier from, at the very least, a trip to the hospital. Looks like our brave and dedicated overseas are now even doing the work of advertising agencies. I don’t think Panasonic could have wished for better publicity for their Toughbook line.
Via BoingBoing