Timothy Schreiber

Posted on August 8, 2007 Under Design

Before we go any further, you need to watch this YouTube clip — which I hope to God is tongue-in-cheek — introducing Timothy Schreiber‘s E_Volve_Table. You really can’t use Strauss’ Also Sprach Zarathustra in the post-2001 universe without either being completely oblivious or self-parodying. So I would argue that Timothy Schreiber’s table is not revolutionary (Legs? Check. Table top? Check.), but is the sexiest table we’ve seen in a long, long time.

Schreiber has a way, which you can see in virtually all of the products up on his website, of playing with the eye and producing the unexpected. His A_Chair has all the trappings of a normal folding chair, but it is actually made of one piece of aluminum and is rigid. The Zero_G_Table, on the other hand, with its elegantly curved legs, appears to be another one-piece job but in this case the legs detach. The E_Volve_Table takes the structural ambiguity of those other pieces to the next level; its legs join together to form a completely organic and seamless base, but that base is composed of separate pieces — pieces that fit together like the branches of a tree coalesce at the trunk.