The Unseen Video

Posted on December 18, 2006 Under Design

The Unseen Video is a weather controlled, dynamic music video generator that has the goal of creating new synergies between the music, the video, and the surroundings of the viewer. The site creates a unique flash video that is gauged on the weather and local time from the viewer’s position (check out the ‘making of‘ page– its pretty interesting how the generator actually works). Because the inputs to the video generator are ever-changing and dynamic, you’ll never see the same video twice. Sure, it may look similar from minute to minute, but come April it will be completely different. Check out the screenshot from the video I got (above); as you can tell, I am currently in cold-as-ice Colorado in December. As a testament to its innovation, the site recently won the Content Fusion Award at the Europrix Top Talent Awards in Hamburg, Germany.