The Oregon Trail iPhone App

Posted on February 12, 2009 Under Gadgetry

I first remember playing The Oregon Trail back in first grade. Our screens may have only been green and black and our discs floppy, but we thought it was the coolest thing ever. In fact, it may have been one of my first experiences ever using a computer. I could ford the mightiest rivers and shoot the most squirrely squirrels–as well as the most seasoned frontiersman. Sure, I might have lost my wife and a few kids along the way, but they were dead weight anyways. You can imagine my surprise when I heard that a new version of The Oregon Trail is being released for the iPhone on February 28th. Now I’ll be able to die of dysentery and use Wikipedia to see what dysentery is, all while I’m on the go. This new version features updated graphics and game play, but I really hope they maintain the original integrity of the old-school game.