The Graphic Imperative

Posted on June 16, 2006 Under Art

We live in turbulent times, but its good to see some people care about the world and are trying to make some kind of difference through the arts– using whatever tools they have. The Massachusetts College of Art and Philadelphia University put together a series of posters called The Graphic Imperative: International Posters for Peace, Social Justice and the Environment 1965-2005. The Graphic Imperative is a selection of 121 unique posters, all created to address the various issues that plague us (by artists around the world). Thought provoking, serious, sometimes humorous, sarcastic and critical, these are some of the best statement posters we’ve ever seen. The Graphic Imperative is currently on exhibit at the AIGA National Design Center in New York from June 15th to August 18th, 2006. So if you’re in the area, go see the posters in full size–beautiful work!