The Dilemmas Project

Posted on October 30, 2008 Under Life

Say your co-workers or significant others are a bit exhausted hearing you talk about moral hangups and problems. They'd like you to pontificate … well … anywhere else. They can thank Bay Area documentarian Chip Rees for putting your quandaries to use with The Dilemmas Project, an audio collection covering the problems people face in everyday life. It’s easy to upload your stories and generate a dialogue about the issues you're concerned about. The collection is starting as an audio platform, but could move to illustrated, written, and, of course, apparel form. Witness The Way We Live, the company behind the project, has the philosophy that we become better people by listening to one another. Electronic Arts, Ray Ban, and other companies have taken the filmmakers up on their invitation to listen to people's predicaments — a great example of multimedia storytelling as a compelling model for bringing consumers to the table.