The 8-Minute Airport Shuttle

Posted on March 1, 2006 Under Travel

You only need to get stuck in the back seat of a taxi or limo en route to JFK in terrible traffic once to know how uncomfortable it can be– not to mention a total waste of time if you’re in a rush. Besides my absolute love for helicopters, the US Helicopter Service which is launching at the end of March is a great addition to the city. They make trips to JFK every 30 minutes from the heliport on the West Side highway, and you clear TSA security there before you even arrive at the airport so you can get right to your flight. $139 doesn’t seem like a high price to pay for an 8 minute trip to the airport from downtown Manhattan in a stylin’ Sikorsky S76 Helicopter, not to mention a car service costs $90 or more. Via Cool Hunting