Thank You Too

Posted on January 4, 2008 Under Design

Hugo and Joachim, the men behind Other Side of Silence and Anothercompany, respectively, just released a tiny booklet called “Thank You Too,” a business card-sized collection of appreciative comments. The idea behind “Thank You Too” is to give people the chance to offer a quiet nod of appreciation to people who make our day to day living a little bit easier; people like the ones who help you find a good book at the bookstore, or put extra whip cream on your hot chocolate without your asking. There’s even a card in the booklet that offers gratitude for a stranger’s hotness, which is my personal favorite, mainly because I have gotten like thirteen of them so far. If the idea of slipping cards into bags and across tables is too conspicuous for you, “Thank You Too” also comes in the form of postcards and a stamp (I like the idea of just walking by someone and laying a stamp on them; Hey, I want to say thanks! Bam!). Head here to start spreading the love.