Talk Shop Fridays: Your Predictions for Live Earth

Posted on July 6, 2007 Under Music

With the much anticipated Live Earth concert rapidly approaching (14 hours, 36 minutes until launch), I thought it’d be interesting to poll you, the readership, about your thoughts surrounding the concert. It’s going to be happening simultaneously on 7 continents, includes over 100 musicians, will be webcasted on MSN, and will purportedly reach over 2 billion people. The aim of Live Earth is simple: it’s a call to arms to garner widespread awareness for our global climate crisis. Will Live Earth effectively convey the important message that citizens of the earth can make small individual commitments to curb climate change, and convince people to make those changes, or will the concert be, as one academic put it, “just another gig that will consume enough energy to power Arkansas for the next century and leave a carbon footprint that will validate the sasquatch?” It’s your earth; let’s talk shop…