Talk Shop Fridays: Pet Politics

Posted on January 4, 2008 Under Life

It’s finally 2008, and we all know what that means: Dub-ya is on his way out of the White House. Most of us are thrilled about that; some of us are not so thrilled about that (ahem, some), but the fact remains that change is coming, and we’re as much a part of it as the presidential hopefuls stepping up their campaigns for the final push. One thing about this election season that has been refreshing to me is the slew of interesting candidates that we’ve had to choose from. So many different religions; the first woman; the first African American — our next president might represent something truly historical, and I find that, in itself, incredibly exciting.

Aside from environmental issues, this site has generally kept it’s distance from Washington, D.C. On the other hand, nothing stirs up a good debate like politics — and 2008’s elections are shaping up to be something impossible not to talk about. So, at the risk of getting risque, we want to know your current stance on the elections. Who’s your candidate? Why do think they have what it takes to clean up America’s current messiness? Is there one candidate that will send you to a cave should they take office? Also, if you happen to be reading from somewhere other than the US, feel free to jump in — we want to know how you think we can turn our country around, too!