SWIMS Automatic Classic

Posted on March 20, 2008 Under Design

Back in November, the rain ready folks at SWIMS graced our pages with their award-winning, ultra-dapper update of rubber galoshes. Well, those nifty Norwegians are at it again, still helping us avoid the dampness of downpours, but this time their focus is on keeping the raindrops from falling on our heads as well as our shoes. The new SWIMS Automatic Classic umbrella doesn't come with the classic problems of most umbrellas"¦like the difficulty of opening and closing your drizzle defender. This umbrella opens and closes at the push of the button, so you don't have to put down what's in your other hand to stay dry. In addition to serving as precipitation protection, the Automatic Classic has curved handle allowing you turn it into a walking stick when the clouds part and the cats & dogs are no longer falling from the sky. How convenient!