Sultry Saturn

Posted on October 13, 2006 Under Life

Have you ever beheld such a beautiful sight as this? Sure, it’s not Uranus, but it is every bit as remarkable. This is a real photo that was taken by the Cassini Probe which is currently ‘chilling’ in orbit around Saturn. It is part of a mosaic of 165 shots taken from within the shadow cast by the planet itself (I’m guessing it is analogous to an eclipse, and that the sun is directly behind lady Saturn in this shot). The probe swooped further-in for a little look-see and took some shots of the lakes of liquid methane on Titan–which is Saturn’s moon. Sexy stuff. It is stuff like this that hammers home the fact that we are but a blip on the radar. Finally, I know this post is about Saturn, but how about a little Uranus trivia (it is my favorite planet after all): my memory is telling me that Uranus has vertical rings. Is my memory correct? Leave a comment if you know.

Via BoingBoing