Submarine Records launches Noropolis

Posted on July 14, 2008 Under Music

Talk about an open mind. Sao Paulo indie record label Submarine Records — the label that signed Hurtmold, the great post-rock type group we’ve talked about — announced the formation of their new artist management company Noropolis. They not only take care of biz for their own bands but bands that they’re just simply into and believe in. This includes one of my new hip-hop faves Elo da Corrente and instrumental metal band Elma, whose music is showcased on the site. Noropolis is a new concept built upon the roots of the music industry itself: Give people good music and they will listen (and buy). It also opens doors for unsigned bands that might not have an album in the works, but nevertheless have a rock-solid fan base that they’re trying to grow. This fertile ground is fresh.