Street Peeper

Posted on July 27, 2007 Under Life

One of my favorite things about living in New York is seeing the way people get dressed up just to leave their apartment. Okay maybe not dressed up, but put together. Time is being spent on outfits in New York, and that makes me happy. If I’m going to feel isolated and spend most of my time people-watching, it’s a big bonus if the people I’m watching look interesting. This is a feature of most serious metropolises. London, Rome, Shanghai"¦people try to look their best at all times in these cities. It just adds to the sense that the city (your city) is the place to be.

Street Peeper is a street fashion blog that photographs well-dressed people on the streets of world capitals for the rest of us to look at and discuss. It is NOT The Sartorialist; it goes beyond the New York scene on a daily basis and it skews younger, so you can actually afford to replicate (or re-appropriate) some of the looks featured on it. And I haven’t even gotten to Street Peeper’s best feature: all of the photos are tagged, telling you what everybody is wearing, and clicking on the tag, Street Peeper shows you other people around the world who are wearing the same thing. (Just look at all the people wearing Cheap Monday jeans. Just look at them!) It’s a great global fashion trend-spotting tool, designed specifically for us people-watchers.