Startup New Orleans

Posted on March 20, 2008 Under Life

While Brad Pitt and President Clinton are putting up pink houses (sorry if that sounded sarcastic, it’s sincerely good works), Sean Cummings, co-founder of Startup New Orleans has been setting up shop. In an effort to drive creative-minded people to the economically rebounding city, Cummings has created a site where entrepeneurs can see what a vital center New Orleans can be for their business. From technology (like computer graphics skunkworks Turbo Squid) to ad agencies (like Inc. 5000 firm Trumpet), the project promotes the idea that the new Nola can be to entrepreneurship what Silicon Valley is to tech. Plus, we hear they have this thing called ‘Mardi Gras.’ It’s supposed to be pretty awesome.

Via All-Day Buffet