Spout: A Better Way To Find Films

Posted on August 16, 2006 Under Art

Spout is a great new online community for film fanatics"”those who want to horde their faves, quote from cult classics, buy DVDS, make film friends and most importantly, get reviews from peers with similar performance preferences (instead of hyperbole-happy critics) The five friendly Midwest founders, Rick, Bill, Dave, Daryn and Paul, "ultimately seek to fill the gap between what shows up at festivals and what shows up at the multiplex." Having almost outgrown its beta-stage by blossoming into an addictive little playmate, Spout is very visitor-responsive. The more you give, the more you get back. By encouraging interaction between people who like the same films, getting on board with tag-collages and, in the spirit of MySpace.com, letting peeps shameless fly their I'm-secretly-obsessed-with-John C. Reilly" (for example) freak flag, Spout is creating not only a collectivist, down-to-viewer, ensemble of online critics, but another fabulous way to waste your entire day on the Internet, too.