You know what sort of irks me? When the bottom of your snowboard matches your zip-up hoodie; if both the hoodie and the board were by the same company, shame on you for using both at the same time, but if the hoodie and the board were by separate companies- separate big companies- shame on them. (And okay, if you want to get technical — I’m talking about a certain ’06 Burton Freestyle and an Urban Outfitters item. Those matched.) What I’m trying to say is, in today’s wide world of textiles, there is no reason or excuse not to be individualistic. Companies do exist that will sell you fresh fabrics and designs (and I should probably clarify that by “fresh” I mean your sweater won’t be matching your neighbors couch anytime soon). If you’re on the hunt, a good place to start is the Sydney-based Sixhands. Owned by three ladies specializing in fashion, textile, and graphic design, Sixhands makes environmentally conscious, locally-produced fabric treatments that will keep your clothes (boards, couches…) looking like, well, yours. And, for those of you accustomed to matching your socks to your sweatband, that’s kind of a good thing. A very good thing.