Siren Festival Poster x Paul Antonson

Posted on May 13, 2008 Under Design

The 8th Annual Siren Music Festival in Coney Island is coming by land, by sea, and by giant Medusa-headed woman. Paul Antonson has designed this mythic sideshow scenario, and in the process has outdone himself in creating the fest’s poster art. Let’s see: mermen? Check. Man-eating octopus. Check. Creature from the Black Lagoon going unplugged? Check. The unfortunate fact is that nothing — save the rickety carnival rides and the guitar — will actually appear at the Village Voice‘s music extravaganza. But there will be Stephen Malkmus and the Jicks, The Helio Sequence, and Broken Social Scene. That’s pretty epic, right? Head out on the F train July 19th for fun, food, rock, and mutant sea life. What’s that Village Voice? Oh. Just fun, food and rock.