Sin Destroyers: Gifts to the World

Posted on December 19, 2006 Under Music

Although Christmas still isn’t for a few days, Santa and his Elves are hard at work, readying all of the toys for the boys and girls throughout the world. And our Jewish friends have already joyously received a majority of their eight days of presents. In that spirit, I wanted to spread some cheer to you all in the form of an alternate, Rock n Roll take on the relationship between Jesus Christ and Santa Clause. What if they are the same person? The Sin Destroyers (the World’s Christianest Rock Band) sure think that’s a possibility, and have made this Jesus/Santa duality the subject of their video Gifts to the World. Have a laugh and get into the spirit of the holidays with this amazing music video. I first saw this video a few weeks ago, but decided to wait until now to share it with you all. “He is Jesus the Christ, he’s got a list and he’s checking it twice … He does it all in a single night, to bring you footballs and Lite Brite.”