Sao Paulo: Editora Organiza

Posted on November 27, 2007 Under Books

Publishing is a little less entry-friendly in Brazil, I’ve observed. You can already have a decent amount of money from other sources so costs become no object, get picked up by only a handful of publishers or rather approach things in DIY style, the latter of which has inspired a small treasure trove of fashion and art magazines. But DIY publishing, if you want to take it to the art form that it can be, can benefit from a helping hand, especially if you don’t have the resources to produce. Publishers taking on secondary roles of advisers and arbiters, Sao Paulo’s Editora Organiza just opened their doors for business to help zine and mini-book authors bring their projects to fruition. The duo running the company boast graphic design experience for major magazines in Brazil and print using silkscreen and photocopying machines — two devices common but not always accessible to the public at large. As part of the company’s inauguration, they’re holding walk-in appointments for anyone interested in discussing their projects and already have created a beautiful sample pack to show what can be capable with their involvement. Those who live in Sao Paulo should hit up their website for more info on times and their location; who knows, the next Punk Planet could be ready to be born.