Ryan Carr Johnson: Scope Miami

Posted on December 12, 2006 Under Art

We viewed a wealth of amazing work at the Scope Miami fair over the weekend. Young Ryan Carr Johnson’s paintings were at the top of the heap for me. From what I can deduce, Ryan layers paint onto plywood and then refines the living daylights out of it with a hand sanding process. The result is awe-inspiring to see in person, because the art has such depth and structure to it– regrettably, I can only bring to you, our beloved readers, two-dimenstional images of Ryan’s work. The images I have included here are phases 2 and 4 of the piece entitled ‘Blotter Acid.’ Ryan’s work was shown as part of the gogo art projects initiative, which is Connor Contemporary Art’s attempt to incubate emerging and experimental art; it evolved from CCA’s annual Academy Exhibition of recent BFA/MFA grads from the Baltimore and Washington D.C. area–and appears to be a great program.